
Rest Day



20 min as many rounds as possible
Run 400m
Max set of pull-up


Same as above

Spit Fire Endurance.
The Endurance part of you work out will now require more knowledge than normally, if you go to Cross fit endurance web site and read yesterdays post you will learn the new system for the endurance work outs. Its a great system but it requires you to be involved.

Go read it learn it and incorporate it in to your programs. When Sgt. Brown returns from leave he might post his own work outs or choose to follow the new form of programing. So be ready but until then dive in and try the new system.


Three rounds for time
9-7-5 Reps of
135lbs Squat Snatch

4 rounds for time
25 lunges
25 Sit-ups

Spit Fire Endurance
Day of rest


21-15-9 Reps for time
315 LBS Dead Lift
30 in Box Jump

50 Rounds
1 Squat
1 Push-up
1 Sit-up
1 Supperman
1 Tuck Jump

Spit Fire Endurance
Choose one Bike Swim Run
9 min TT


Run 1000m
30 Hand Stand push-ups
Run 1000m

4 Rounds of
50 Squats

Spit Fire Endurance
Choose on of the following

Swim 10x100 15 second recovery
Bike 4x1 Hill Repeats
Run 4 1/2 mile Hill Repeats at 7% grade



Run 1000m
20 Hand stand push-ups
Row 1000m
Post times

4 Rounds of
50 Push-up
50 Situps
50 4ct Flutterkickes

Spit Fire Endurance
Rest Day


As many rounds rounds as possible in 15min

15-Chest to bar pull ups
30- Ring L sit

sit -ups

Spit Fire Endurance will be posted at 8am
Sorry that the Endurance was not posted today. computer problems today. I will be on it tomorrow.


7 Rounds for time

35 Double-unders
1 Snatch

5 Rounds of
7 Muscle-ups
21 Burpees

Spir Fire Endurance-
Choose a sport
Swim-SC:10 LC:15 UC:20
Bike-SC: 60 LC:75 UC:90
Run-SC: 25 LC:60 UC:90
C2-SC:15 LC:20 UC:25


5 Rounds for time

5 x Overhead squat 135/95
10 x Toe to bar
20 x Double unders or 60 Singles

20 pull-ups
30 Push-ups
40 Sit-ups
50 squats
5 rounds for time

Spit Fire Endurance
Choose one Swim-Bike-Run-C2
3x7 min intervals w/3 min recovery between rounds.
holding highest pace possible for all 3 rounds.

WOD- 23 May 2011

Going for a little run
Run 1 Mile

Run 400 Meters
50 Squats
25 Push-Ups
3 Rounds

Great times on Wilmot

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 22 May 2011

Today is a Canadian hero WOD, Wilmot
Canadian Forces Private Colin Wilmot, 24, of Fredericton, New Brunswick, assigned to the Second Battalion, Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry (2 PPCLI) Battle Group, based out of Edmonton, Alberta, died on July 6, 2008 from wounds suffered when an explosive device detonated near him in the Panjwali District of Afghanistan.

6 Rounds for Time
50 Squats
21 Ring Dips

SpitFire Endurance

Run WOD Only.

Run:2 x 1 mile rest 3 min between intervals, 2 x 800 rest 2 min between intervals, 2 x 400m rest 90 sec between intervals, Rest 3-5 min, 1 mile TT rest 3 min, 2 x 800 holding 1 mile TT pace -5 sec pace per mile rest 2 min, 2 x 400m holding 1 mile TT pace -10 sec pace per mile .

Lunges (each leg)
35-30-20-10 Reps

Nice 2 rep maxes all around.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 21 May 2011

Pull... Pull... Pull... Weighted Pull-UpsWeighted Pull-Ups

5 Push-Ups
10 Sit-Ups
15 Squats
20 Minutes non stop

Some heavy weights put up on those Thrusters

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 20 May 2011

Thrust, thrust, thrust away

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim: 10 x 30sec Sprints all out efforts using paddles and buoy… 2 min recovery between sprints.

Bike: 10x 30sec Hill Sprints, all out efforts. Recoveries are, how long it takes you to come down the hill or 2min rest has been accrued. If you do not have a hill then use tension on a trainer or ergometer with steady/ heavy tension, 2 min Recovery between sprints. “Come into the hill at speed to maximize the 30sec sprint”

Run: 10x 30sec Hill Sprints, All out efforts. 30sec rest at top before descending hill easy, “walk if needed”. Rest 1min at the bottom of the hill before the next sprint.Treadmill use 7-10% grade, 2min recover between sprints

C2: 10x30sec Sprints all out efforts. Damper setting is choice,“Come into each sprint at speed to maximize the 30 sec sprint” 2 min recovery between sprints.

“Bike and C2, once your 2min recovery has expired, start your roll in effort for each sprint”

30 Push-Ups
40 Sit-Ups
50 Squats
3 Rounds

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 18 May 2011

Tomorrow is the SpitFire Challenge, here is a quick little WOD, 5 mins of all out power. Add in some mobility after your work out.
275 lb Deadlift 3 Reps
115 lb Push Press 7 Reps

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

All Out Efforts.

90 sec on, 1 min off, 90 sec on, 45 sec off, 90 sec on, 30 sec off, 90 sec on, 15 sec off, 90 sec on, 30 sec off, 90 sec on, 45 sec off, 90 sec on.

100 Push-Ups
100 Sit-Ups
100 Squats
800 Meter run

Great job all on yesterday, handstand walks is something for us all to progress on.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 17 May 2011

For today's WOD we get to spend sometime time walking on our hands.
3 Rounds for Time
95lb Front Squats
Handstand Walk, 40 Feet
30 GHD Sit Ups
Handstand Walk, 40 Feet

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the following sports:

Swim: 1000m/y total: at 85% for first 500m/y then pick it up to 95% on the last 500m/y

Bike: 20 miles total: at 85% for first 10 miles then pick it up to 95% on the last 10 miles

Run: 10k total: at 85% for first 5k then pick it up to 95% on the last 5k

C2: 3000m total: at 85% first 1500m recover 1min, then 95% for second 1500m

40-30-20 Rep's

Great totals on CFT, way to push out the big weight

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 16 May 2011

Today is a nice little guage of where you are, CrossFit Total
CrossFit Total
1 Rep Max Back Squat
1 Rep Max Shoulder Press
1 Rep Max Deadlift
Add all weights together for CrossFit Total Score

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim: 5 x 200m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 200m. 30 second recoveries

Bike: 5 x 2k holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 2k. 90 second recoveries (1-3-5 should be the same, and 2-4 should be the same if done outside)

Run: 5 x 800m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 800. 90 second recoveries

C2: 5 x 1000m holding fastest possible pace without slowing more then 5 sec per fastest 1000m. 90 second recoveries

Walking Lunges-100 Meter
10 Mountain Climbers
100 Meter Sprint-x2
2 Rounds

Good scores on the Pool WOD, Thank you for all of those that came out to show their support, was a fun event we might have to do again.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 15 May 2011

Today is the day of the Pool event, come out and show your support pool side and cheer on the athletes.
Deadlifts 225lb/155lb
Kettlebell Swings 1.5POOD/1POOD

Walking Lunges-100 Meter
10 Mountain Climbers
100 Meter Sprint-x2
2 Rounds

Only had a few scores fore the muscle up WOD, but we did have a few first time muscle ups, congrats.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 14 May 2011

Muscle up day with a little run in the mix
20 Min AMRAP
400m Run
7 Muscle Ups

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the following sports

Swim, Bike, Run C2

2 min on 1 minute off x 6

Cover as much distance as possible on each interval.

1 Round for Time

Times for the 5 round mix, way to push it

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 13 May 2011

Be ready for anything, today has an interesting mix
5 Rounds for Time
135lb Overhead Squats
10 Toes to Bar
40lb Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean, 15 reps
20 Double Unders

3x400 meter run
Jumping Jacks
Mountain Climbers
30-20-10 Rep's

Some good Diane times, be sure to keep track so that you can see your progress the next time you try this girl out.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 12 May 2011

Today we have one of our benchmark girls, Diane
Deadlift 225/185lb
Handstand Push Ups

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Use a Weighted Vest Or Ruck.

Swim: 10lbs vest or weight, 3x(50m/y + 100m/y + 200m/y)

Bike: 30lbs vest 3x( 1/2mile + 1 mile+ 2 mile)

Run: 20lbs vest 3x( 200m + 400m+ 600m)

C2: 20lbs vest 3x( 250m +500m+ 750m)

Rest the exact time it takes you to do each interval in each set. EX. 200m run in 35 sec. rest 35 sec then 400m run, rest 400m time, run 600m, rest 600m time, run 200m, etc.

5k Run

Good job to all on the many rounds accomplished on this 20 min amrap, best on the board was Marcus with 14 Rounds, 1 Wall Ball Shot

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 11 May 2011

Can you feel the excitement, another arm blaster here to stay.
As Many Rounds as Possible in 20 Mins.
5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
10 Wall Ball Shots, 20 lbs
15 Kettlebell Swing, 1.5 POOD (54 lbs)

SpitFire Endurance

Rest Day

Run 1 Mile
50 Push-Ups
100 Squats
Run 1 Mile

Good Scores all around on this exhausting WOD, great job everyone.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 10 May 2011

Thrusters and Burpees galore, today's WOD is going to be a lot of fun
5 Rounds For Time
15 Reps, 95lb Thrusters
15 Bar Facing Burpees

SpitFire Endurance

Chose ONE of The Following Sports:

Swim,Bike, Run, C2

2x10min, Rest 5min Between intervals


2x2min, Rest 1min Between intervals

Hold distances/speeds or watts as consistent as possible on each interval.

Run 800 Meters
50 Squats
50 Sit-Ups
3 Rounds

Great Job on the 21-15-9 yesterday, it was a rough one.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 9 May 2011

Time for some fun with this little 21-15-9.
24" Box Jumps
75lb Power Snatch
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the following Sports:

Swim: 20min, add T-shirt for drag.

Bike: 30min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave Grade.

Run: 25min Hill Climb, 4-8% ave Grade.

C2: 20min, Damper between 5-8, Hold WATTS @ 50-120 above body weight.

Burpees (2:00 Mins)
400 Meter Run
2 Rounds

Good times on that rope WOD, it was a rough one, trust me, your arms will recover.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 8 May 2011

Straight from the hopper into our gym we have this little treat.
3 Rounds for Time
5 Rope Climbs, 15' Rope
21 Ring Dips
50 Squats

To make a team event break up into 4 teams, each person must complete prescribed reps of exercise before group can move on to next exercise.

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of The Following Sports:

Swim: 4 x 100m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 100m/y + 3 x 200m/y at best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec per 200m. Recover 30sec for 100m/y. Recover 1 min for 200m/y

Bike: 4 x 2 miles holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 5sec in even/odd directions (if done outside). 2min recoveries.

Run: 6 x 400m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries

C2: 6 x 500m holding best possible pace. Never slowing more than 3 sec from best interval. 2 min recoveries.

50-40-30-20-10 Rep's

Due to dust no scores were recorded for Griff, another day and we will take on that hero WOD.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 7 May 2011

Today's Hero WOD is "Griff"
In honor of USAF SSgt Travis L. Griffin, 28, who was killed April 3, 2008 in the Rasheed district of Baghdad by an IED strike to his vehicle. Travis is survived by his son Elijah.For Time
Run 800m
Run 400m Backwards
Run 800m
Run 400m Backwards

50-40-30-20-10 Rep's

Good job on the 5x5 Front Squats, put up some good weight and some did what they didn't think they could.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 6 May 2011

Legs week continues
Front Squat
Max Weight

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim, Bike Run, C2

All Out Efforts.

1min on, 1 min off, 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on, 40 sec off, 1 min on, 30 sec off, 1 min on 20 sec off, 1 min on, 10 sec off, then go back up the ladder until you finish with 1 min on, 50 sec off, 1 min on.

Run 400 Meters
30 Squats
5 Rounds

Good job everyone who accomplished Jeremy, good work out, especially when sore.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD - 5 May 2011

Today's WOD is Jeremy.
Three year old Jeremy Bloniasz lost his life in a tragic accident
Thursday, July 6th, 2006. To Jeremy's parents, Kelly and Jeremy, the
entire CrossFit family offers our deepest sorrow.
Overhead Squats 95/45
For Time

SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of The Following Sports…

Swim: SC & LC: 500m TT, U: 1000mTT

Bike: SC: 12mile TT, LC: 25mile TT, U: 30mile TT

Run: SC: 5k, LC: 10k or 10mile TT (choice) U: 13.1mile TT

C2: 8k TT

(TT- Time Trail, SC- Short Course, LC- Long Course, U- Ultra Distance)

10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Rep's

Good job those that completed "Death by 10m", nice amount of rounds by all.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 4 May 2011

Time to Sprint, got to love "Death by 10m"
SpitFire Endurance

Chose ONE of The Following Sports:

All sports do: 20:10 x 8 rounds, 20 seconds on 10 seconds off, all out efforts!

Swim: Use pool or open water

Bike: Use a Monarch ERG, stationary bike with wattage tool or something similar that can hold a load of 200+ watts

Run: Use a treadmill, set at 12% grade at 0-30 sec slower pace per mile than best 5k pace. Do not reduce the speed!

C2:Row 20:10×8


Run 1000 Meters
100 Squats
50 Push-Ups

Great job with that though work out yesterday.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 3 May 2011

From the wonderful world of WODs, we bring you:

Run 400 Meters
50 Squats
25 Push-Ups
3 Rounds

Look at what SpitFire did to "Jackie", great times all around.

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.

WOD- 2 May 2011

WOD for 2 May 2011 is one of the quick girls, take time to work on technique today.
SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

3×3 min intervals w/3min recovery between intervals

Objective is to hold the Highest AVE. pace for Run and Swim: Bike and C2, Highest AVE. Watts

Lunges (Each leg)

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.