WOD- 2 May 2011

WOD for 2 May 2011 is one of the quick girls, take time to work on technique today.
SpitFire Endurance

Choose ONE of the Following Sports:

Swim, Bike, Run, C2

3×3 min intervals w/3min recovery between intervals

Objective is to hold the Highest AVE. pace for Run and Swim: Bike and C2, Highest AVE. Watts

Lunges (Each leg)

WOD Contributed Courtesy of CrossFit Inc. and CrossFit Endurance/UnScared Inc.


Anonymous said...

Scotty: Jackie - 7:09 (Rx'd)

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a 1000m row?

Tom said...

2000 Class - Tom and Adam

Some of the writing was hard to read so this is what I got. Nice job everyone!


Tom 9:20 rx'd
Rife ??? black band
Seran 12:39 rx'd
Pol2 9:38 rx'd
Smith 10:46 black band
Pete 10:57 rx'd
Ward 11:50 rx'd
Troy 10:10 rx'd
Pol1 8:57 rx'd
Amber 11:50 rx'd
Mike 12:00 band
Marion 10:08 red band